Innovation day

Hello everyone so today I will be talking about my innovation day project. 


So I was working with my two friends, (This is their blog names)

Emmab18 and maiag


 So we were given a problem it was-

How can we provide renewable energy sources to community outdoor spaces in an energy – efficient way that still maintains the safety and “fun” aesthetic of the space. 


So before I answer that let me explain this first-

So our hypothesis was that we Would make a whole stable and everything with two of different barns, a shed row, two indoor arenas, an outdoor arena, a parking lot, a party room and a whole bunch of paddocks and everything powered by wind turbines so we could save energy so we would have everything like lights and water and stuff like that all powered by  the wind turbines anyway what ended up happening in the end was we just made and indoor arena with wind turbines  and lights and a whole lesson happening.


So Now do you understand the problem? I hope so…


So  Now let me tell you the materials we used for this-

  •   Cardboard
  • Spoons
  • Straws
  • Aluminum foil
  • Sand
  • Clay
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Hot glue
  • Paper 
  • Glue
  • Scissors


The procedures we did were a lot of things but…

I was not there!!!! I was on vacation so my two partners made most of the project but when I came back most of it honestly was not finished so I really helped them because the day i came back we had only two more classes before innovation day and let me tell you this loud and clear…


Well it was pretty close but since there was then 3 people it definitely got better but i can say maiag and emmab18 did really well on their own but I also have to say that when I came back the board had one piece of paper and 3 horses only one of those horses had a human and the fourth one you ask? Oh that one was stolen😭 so I helped with the people and I made a jump while maiag made another one and me and emmab18 tried to make a coach then of course… IT GOT STOLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it. also I glued most of the papers on the board now here is the REAL Procedure that said way more (but what I just said is still part of the procedure)-


(My partner Emmab18 gave me this since I was not there)

Our steps were to use hot glue, put the cardboard together, put aluminum foil, then add sand, then make the wind turbines with straw and spoon. then make clay horse and rider and coach. The last few steps are to make the board print out our writing and put it together to draw horses and glue it on. add string and hot glue printed pictures of wind turbines on thats all. With our communication we worked well together, got along and figured hard things out together the whole time. But I was here near the end but it’s okay because in my own opinion OUR PROJECT WAS THE BESTEST EVER!!!!!!! But of course other people might have different opinions.


In conclusion I thought this project was really fun to make. From doing the google docs to the final touches it was  a bit stressful because of course I had 2 days but it was still crazy fun. 

Well that’s it for today hope you enjoyed this blog post and keep scrolling for pictures…📷

2 thoughts on “Innovation day

  1. Hi lulu i love your blog bost and had fun making it with you

    and i think we miight be aloud a sleepover (yay!)

    from emmab18

  2. i really liked your blog it was really nice reading i also liked that you put the picture with my mom in it😸

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