Sound Unit

Hi everyone I am going to talk about the second science unit we did! the second science unit we did was sound. These are five the  properties  of sound.

1.Sound travels.

2. Sound can be reflected[it can bounce off things].

3.Sound can be absorbed [it does not bounce off some things].

4.Sound can be modified [e.g. pitch and loudness].

5. Sound is caused by vibrations .

I am going to tell you some questions my teacher asked me and I answered.

  1. Why can you hear  someone  who is in a another room?                                                                                 because sound travels. the way it travels  is because the sound reflects.
  2. Why do we hear echoes ?                                                                                                                                         we hear echoes because of a reflect wave.
  3.  In a recording studio the walls a covered in bumpy foam. why would they do this?                               because when walls are like  that the sound reflects better.
  4.    Name multiple objects we have that allow us to increase the volume of a sound .                                microphones and megaphones.

5.  Why  can we hear sounds better in air then we can  underwater?                                                                       because there is not enough air.

Did you know that dogs can hear way more sounds the humans can?

Pitch refers to how high or low a sound is. a flute makes a high pitch sound, where as a tuba makes a low pitch sound

Here is my ear

so the way I made this was I first cut out a lot of cardboard into a lot of different   shapes and sizes then I had to hot glue  the cardboard clay and stuff like that so the reason we did this was because we were learning about sound.
this is what sounds waves look like

Wave Theory: Using Sound Waves As A Metaphor For Present Circumstances - ProSoundWeb

2 thoughts on “Sound Unit

  1. I really liked what you did , you did a great job saying what you were doing and how to do it.
    I really liked it lulu 🙂 one thing is that in the beginning I had a hard time reading some parts because it was squished together otherwise great job. I loved it.

    from Maia.

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