Stop motion

Hello today I am going to talk about about what we were doing in English we were doing stop motion. Stop motion  is this thing where you take a bunch of pictures and it turns out to be sort of like a video thing you can do it with clay or lego here are to videos on how to do it



and here in mine that I made with a couple of kids in my class

so we were reading this book called The wild robot so the task that we were suposed to was create a stop motion  so we had to make a  backround and characters it  was really fun  it took like a month or maybe more.

here is  pictures from my stop motion booklet

here is my design

set design

my self assesment

the things that went well were well pretty much everything exept getting roz out of the crate and we waited for a long time to ask for help so next time we will ask for help sooner.




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